Mountain View Whisman School District
Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 1/4/2018
Agenda Category: CONSENT AGENDA
Agenda Item Title: Construction Contract Award for the Stevenson Elementary School New Construction and Alterations Project
Estimated Time:
Person Responsible: Kevin Sanders, Director, Capital Projects
The Board will consider for award of a contract for the Stevenson Elementary School New Construction and Alterations Project.
On December 13, 2017, the District received contractor bids for the Stevenson Elementary School New Construction and Alterations Project. Six (6) bids were received and the apparent low responsive and responsible bidder is Rodan Builders. The District’s Measure G Bond Program manager, Greystone West, has reviewed the bid for conformance with District and statutory requirements.
Fiscal Implication: The contract amount will be $4,734,000.00 with all costs to be charged to the Measure G bond program.
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Trustees award the construction contract for the Stevenson Elementary School New Construction and Alteration Project to Rodan Builders in the amount of $4,734,000.00