Mountain View Whisman School District
Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 6/15/2017
Agenda Category: REVIEW AND ACTION
Agenda Item Title: YMCA of Silicon Valley Lease Agreement 2017-2018 (2 minutes)
Estimated Time:
Person Responsible: Dr. Robert Clark, Associate Superintendent/Chief Business Offcier
Background: The District has a long-standing relationship with the YMCA of Silicon Valley to provide services for students after school. The YMCA leases spaces at Bubb, Castro/Mistral, Huff, Landels, Monta Loma, and Theuerkauf schools. The 2017-2018 lease agreement continues the existing lease terms with the 3.5% increase in cost per month based on the Consumer Price Index-Urban Area for December 2016.
Fiscal Implication: 2017-2018 lease revenue $17,503.51 per month August 2017 - May 2018. Due to summer construction projects and access to the sites, July 2017 lease revenue is only for Theuerkauf at $1,626.07 and June 2018 lease revenue is only for Monta Loma at $1,798.42.
Recommended Action: That the Board approve the 2017-2018 lease agreement with YMCA of Silicon Valley.