Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 6/4/2020


Agenda Item Title:  State Mandated COVID Written Report based on the Governor's Executive Order N-56-20

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible: 

Cathy Baur

Chief Academic Officer 


Staff will present an overview of the COVID-19 state mandated report. 


Executive Order N-56-20 requires that all LEAs complete a written report to explain the changes to program offerings that were made in response to school closures.  The report must include: 

  • Description of the impact of school closures on students and families
  • Description of how the LEA is meeting the needs of its unduplicated students.
  • Description of steps taken to support the following during the period of school closure:
  • Delivering high quality distance learning opportunities
  • Providing school meals in non-congregate settings
  • Arranging for supervision of student during ordinary school hours


In addition, Executive Order N-56-20 extended the timeline for the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).  Instead of adopting the LCAP with the budget by July 1, 2020, Districts will submit the COVID 19 Written Report and complete and approve an abbreviated LCAP by December 15, 2020.

Fiscal Implication:

$301,004 which includes costs for the purchase of additional chromebooks and hotspots, sanitizing wipes, printing costs for student work packets, and food and staffing costs related to food distribution.


Recommended Action: 

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
COVID 19 Written ReportBackup Material5/29/2020
COVID 19 Written Report PresentationBackup Material5/29/2020