Mountain View Whisman School District

Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting

Stevenson MUR, 750 San Pierre Way

June 13, 2019

6:00 PM

(Live streaming available at


As a courtesy to others, please turn off your cell phone upon entering.


Under Approval of Agenda, item order may be changed. All times are approximate.

I.CALL TO ORDER (6:00 p.m.)
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Wilson.
B.Roll Call

Present:  Conley, Gutiérrez, Wheeler, Wilson

Absent:  Blakely

C.Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Ellen Wheeler and seconded by Devon Conley to approve the agenda, as presented.

Ayes: Conley, Gutierrez, Wheeler, Wilson

Absent: Blakely
Absent: BlakelyNo member of the public wished to address the Board concerning items on the Closed Session agenda.
Absent: Blakely

The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 6:04 p.m.


Ms. Blakely arrived at 6:05 p.m.

1.Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code 54957.6)

Board Designated Representative:  Carmen Ghysels

Unrepresented employee: District Superintendent

A.Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent
B.Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release
The meeting was reconvened at 7:57 p.m.
A.Closed Session Report
Ms. Wilson reported that no action was taken in Closed Session.
The following items will be handled with one action; however, any item may be removed from consideration by individual Board Members or the Superintendent.  
A motion was made by Ellen Wheeler and seconded by Devon Conley to approve all items on the Consent Agenda, as presented.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Gutierrez, Wheeler, Wilson

A.Personnel Report
1.Personnel Report to the Board of Trustees
1.Minutes for May 30, 2019
1.Contract(s) for Ratification or Review
D.Approval of Payroll Report and Accounts Payable Warrant List for the Month of May 2019
E.Resolution No. 04-061319 Intent to Grant a Pedestrian Access Easement to the City of Mountain View at the Jose Antonio Vargas Elementary School.
F.Authorization for Disposal of Surplus or Obsolete Furniture/Equipment
G.Middle School Social Studies Adoption Recommendation
H.2019-2020 Consolidated Application for Funding
I.Resolution No. 02-061319, Authorizing Delegation of Authority to Sign Official Documents and Records.
J.Resolution No. 03-061319, Authorizing Delegation of Authority to Sign Warrants/Payments
K.Stevenson Phase 2 - Change Order 3 - American Modular Systems
L.Independent Contractor Service Agreement for Ron Wheelehan
M.YMCA Lease Agreement - Sixth Amendment 2019-2020
A.Employee Organizations
No member of the employee organizations was present to address the Board.
B.District Committees
No report at this time
Dr. Rudolph congratulated Rebecca Westover on her new role as Chief Business Officer, Ryan Santiago as the new Stevenson principal, Vern Taylor on his appointment as Jose Antonio Vargas principal, and Mariko Kobata who will be the new assistant principal at Graham.

This is the time reserved for community members to address the Board on items that are not on the agenda.  The Board and Administration welcome this opportunity to listen; however, in compliance with the Brown Act, the Board is not permitted to take action on non-agenda items. 


Speakers are requested to complete a speaker card and state their name for the record.


If there are additional comments after 10 minutes have elapsed, this item may be continued after all the action and discussion items are completed.


Notes on Community Comments on Agendized Items
The staff presentation to the Board will occur first for each item.  The Board will then ask clarifying questions.  Afterwards, the community will be invited to comment.  Any person wishing to speak will be granted up to three (3) minutes at the time the item appears on the agenda.  Comments will be taken for up to 10 minutes, with extra time allowed for translation, as needed.  Prior to addressing the Board, each speaker is requested to complete a speaker card (located on the counter near the door), give it to the Superintendent's Executive Assistant, and state his/her name for the record.  We ask that you speak from the podium so that we may better hear you.  At the conclusion of remarks or after 10 minutes has elapsed, the public comment portion is closed for that item and the Board will return to their own deliberations and comments.  Please see the Board's "Welcome" brochure for more specifics on how Board meetings are run.  The Board is grateful to have district personnel in the audience.  These personnel may be consulted during the Board's discussion on any item.

Ms. Wilson acknowledged an email received by the trustees from Joshua Gies regarding concerns regarding special ed staffing.


The following members of the community addressed the Board:

  • Bridget Harrison, regarding requesting free afterschool care for low income students at Mistral Elementary
  • Aracelo Bautista, regarding care of children after school
  • Maria Villalba, regarding thank you for supporting the program that we need for the children
  • Diana Pinto, regarding care of children after school
  • Imelda Moreno, regarding care of children after school
  • Blanca Bautista Dias, regarding care of children after school at Gabriela Mistral
  • Sandra Guterrez, regarding care of children after school



A.Local Control Accountability Plan (10 minutes)
A motion was made by Ellen Wheeler and seconded by Laura Blakely to to approve the Local Control Accountability Plan and Budget Overview for Parents.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Gutierrez, Wheeler, Wilson

B.Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Federal Addendum (10 minutes)
A motion was made by Ellen Wheeler and seconded by Devon Conley to approve the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Federal Addendum, as presented.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Wheeler, Wilson

Absent: GutierrezMr. Gutiérrez stepped out of the room at 8:17 p.m.
C.Resolution No. 01-061319, Education Protection Account (EPA) Requirements (10 minutes)
A motion was made by Laura Blakely and seconded by Ellen Wheeler to approve Resolution No. 01-061319 for the proposed uses of the Education Protection Account Funds as identified on the attached list.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Wheeler, Wilson

Absent: Gutierrez
D.2019-2020 Budget Adoption (10 minutes)
A motion was made by Laura Blakely and seconded by Ellen Wheeler to approve the 2019-2020 Budget, as presented.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Wheeler, Wilson

Absent: Gutierrez
E.Resolution No. 050613, Resolution Of the Board of Trustees of the Mountain View Whisman School District Revoking the Charter of Bullis Mountain View and Making Written Findings in Support of Revocation (10 minutes)
A motion was made by Tamara Wilson and seconded by Laura Blakely to approve Resolution No. 050613, Resolution Of the Board of Trustees of the Mountain View Whisman School District Revoking the Charter of Bullis Mountain View and Making Written Findings in Support of Revocation, as presented.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Wheeler, Wilson

Absent: Gutierrez
F.Approval of Employment Contract for Rebecca Westover as Chief Business Officer (5 minutes)
A motion was made by Ellen Wheeler and seconded by Devon Conley to approve the contract with Rebecca Westover as Chief Business Officer, as presented.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Gutierrez, Wheeler, Wilson

Mr. Gutiérrez returned to the meeting at 8:24 p.m.
G.Approval of Superintendent's Contract of Employment (5 minutes)
A motion was made by Ellen Wheeler and seconded by Jose Gutierrez to approve the contract for employment with Dr. Ayindé Rudolph as superintendent.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Gutierrez, Wheeler, Wilson

A.Middle School Schedule Update (20 minutes)
The Board heard a report on implementation of the new middle school schedule for the 2018-19 school year.
B.Update on North Bayshore Development and Impact on MVWSD (45 minutes)

The Board heard an update on development of a potential school in the North Bayshore area of Mountain View.


A motion was made by Ms. Conley and seconded by Ms. Wheeler to extend the meeting until no later than 10:30 p.m.


Ayes:  Blakely, Conley, Gutiérrez, Wheeler, Wilson


C.Recommendations for Potential Reinstatement of Budget Cuts (20 minutes)
The Board reviewed a list of items that were cut due to the funding shortfall and ranked the items in order of reinstatement if additional funding becomes available. 
A.Future Board Meeting Dates

August 22, 2019

September 5 and 19, 2019

October 10 and 24, 2019

November 7 and 21, 2019

December 12, 2019

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.





The open session will be video recorded and live streamed on the District's website (




As a courtesy to others, please turn off your cell phone upon entering. 




Persons attending Board meetings are requested to refrain from using perfumes, colognes or any other products that might produce a scent or chemical emission. 




The Mountain View Whisman School District is dedicated to providing access and communication for all those who desire to attend Board meetings. Anyone planning to attend a Board meeting who requires special assistance or English translation or interpretation is asked to call the Superintendent's Office at (650) 526-3552 at least 48 hours in advance of the time and date of the meeting.


El Distrito Escolar de Mountain View Whisman esta dedicado a proveer acceso y comunicacion a todas las personas que deseen asistir a las reuniones de la Junta. Se pide que aquellas personas que planean asistir a esta reunion y requieren de asistencia especial llamen a la Oficina del Superintendente al (650) 526-3552 con por lo menos 48 horas de anticipacion del horario y fecha de esta reunion, para asi poder coordinar los arreglos especiales.


Documents provided to a majority of the Governing Board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the District Office, located at 1400 Montecito Avenue during normal business hours. 

Los documentos que se les proveen a la mayoria de los miembros de la Mesa Directiva sobre los temas en la sesion abierta de este orden del dia estaran disponibles para la inspeccion publica en la Oficina del Distrito, localizada en el 1400 Montecito Avenue durante las horas de oficinas regulares.