Mountain View Whisman School District

Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting

1400 Montecito Avenue

November 5, 2020

6:00 PM

Dial in Phone Number: (669) 900 6833 (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 986 0858 5337

Passcode: 905844

There is no participant ID


Members of the public who call in to the meeting will be placed in a waiting room until the appropriate time to address the Board. During that time in the waiting room, the caller will not be able to hear the meeting. Callers can view and hear the meeting here:


Members of the public who wish to address the Board during the Board of Trustees meeting may email comments to In order to expedite the meeting, please send your comments by the Wednesday before the meeting. Staff will make all attempts to share and record any submissions received, however, depending on timing, late submissions will be provided to the Board after the conclusion of the meeting.



Amended - (11/2/2020)

(Live streaming available at


As a courtesy to others, please turn off your cell phone upon entering.


Under Approval of Agenda, item order may be changed. All times are approximate.

I.CALL TO ORDER (6:00 p.m.)
The meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m.
Trustees President Tamara Wilson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
B.Roll Call

Present: Blakely, Conley, Gutierrez, Wheeler, Wilson


C.Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Devon Conley and seconded by Ellen Wheeler to approve all items on the Consent Agenda, as presented.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Gutierrez, Wheeler, Wilson


No member of the public wished to address the Board of Trustees concerning items on the Closed Session Agenda.

The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 6:10 p.m.
1.Conference with Labor Negotiators (Government Code 54957.6, subd.(a))

Agency designated representatives:   Ayindé Rudolph, Tara Vikjord, Lauren Petrea, Swati Dagar, Rebecca Westover, Heidi Galassi, Jonathan Pearl

Employee Organization:  Mountain View Educators Association

The meeting was reconvened at 7:26 p.m. 
A.Closed Session Report
Trustee President Wilson reported that no action was taken in Closed Session.
V.CONSENT AGENDA (10 minutes)
All items on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and will be approved in one motion. If discussion is required, items may be removed for separate consideration.
A motion was made by Jose Gutierrez and seconded by Ellen Wheeler to approve all items on the Consent Agenda, as presented.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Gutierrez, Wheeler, Wilson

Dr. Rudolph read community comments submitted on the Consent Agenda by:

  • Christopher Chiang
  • Steven Nelson
A.Personnel Report
1.Personnel Report to the Board of Trustees
1.Minutes for October 22, 2020 Regular Board Meeting
D.Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Report
E.Bond Oversight Committee Report
F.Board Policy No. 5116.1, Intradistrict Open Enrollment
G.Award of Architectural Services Contract to Dreilling Terrones Architecture for the Crittenden Middle School New Monument Sign Project
H.Award of Architectural Services Contract to Hamilton + Aitken Architects for the Electrical Upgrades at Crittenden MS and Theuerkauf ES Project
I.Award of Architectural Services Contract to Hibser Yamauchi Architects for the Huff Elementary School New Portable Project
J.Award of Architectural Services Contract to Dreilling Terrones Architecture for the HVAC Replacement at Various Sites Project
K.Award of Architectural Services Contract to Artik Art & Architecture for the Park Restrooms at Various Sites Project
L.Award of Architectural Services Contract to Hamilton + Aitken Architects for the Site Lighting at Various Sites Project
M.Award of Architectural Services Contract to Dreilling Terrones Architecture for the Vargas Elementary School Parking Cover Project
A.Employee Organizations
No member of the employee organization was present to address the Board of Trustees.
B.District Committees

No report at this time.

Dr. Rudolph acknowledged and thanked the community for their emails regarding the "The Talk" and the vandalism that has taken place at various school sites. He thanked the Board of Trustees for their commitment and support. Dr. Rudolph will be taking the following week off, but a Community Check-In scheduled for November 20. 

The following members of the public addressed the Board of Trustees:

  • Sandi Puett
  • Vern Taylor


Dr. Rudolph read a community comment submitted by:

  • Landon Timothy 
A.Amendment to 2020-2021 Governance Calendar (5 minutes)
A motion was made by Devon Conley and seconded by Laura Blakely to approve the amendment to the 2020-2021 Governance Calendar.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Wheeler, Wilson

Abstain: Gutierrez

Staff requested due to new law that states that District's are unable to seat new board members until the second Friday in December and the timeline to approve the first interim budget that the Board of Trustees move the December 10, 2020, Regular Board meeting to December 14, 2020.

B.Board Policy No. 6174.1, Education of English Language Learners (Special Education) (5 minutes)
A motion was made by Laura Blakely and seconded by Ellen Wheeler to approve Board Policy No. 6174.1, Education of English Langage Learners (Special Education).

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Gutierrez, Wheeler, Wilson

C.Resolution No. 01-110520 Local Assignment Option (5 minutes)
A motion was made by Jose Gutierrez and seconded by Ellen Wheeler to approve Resolution No. 01-110520 Local Assignment Option.

Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Gutierrez, Wheeler, Wilson

A.Perimeter Control Update (40 minutes)

Dr. Rebecca Westover presented the Board of Trustees with a perimeter control update. 


The following members of the public addressed the Board of Trustees:

  • Cyndee Nguyen
  • Tushar Moorti
  • Rose Fulton
  • Robin
  • Trisha Lee
  • Heidi Galassi
  • Aytek Celik
  • Lisa Henry
  • Alexis Davis
  • Katie's mom
  • Karin Dillon
  • Vanita A
  • Vivek
  • Jim Zaorski
  • Jessica Chohan
  • Kristina Brown 


The following community comments were emailed to the Board of Trustees:

  • Laurel Shephard
  • Donna Hatakeda
  • Paul Hammer
  • Jan Alder
  • William Nelson
  • Hala Alshahwany
  • at&t
  • Aytek Celik
  • Dwight Rodgers


A motion was made by Trustee Conley and seconded by Trustee Wheeler to extend the meeting to 11:30 p.m.


Ayes: Blakely, Conley, Wheeler, Wilson

Noes: Gutiérrez


B.Proposal for Opening Support Pods (60 minutes)

Geoff Chang, Director of Federal, State, and Strategic Programs presented a proposal for opening pods. 


Dr. Rudolph read a community comment submitted by:

  • Christopher Chiang




C.The Development of an Equity Committee (20 minutes)

Trustee Conley spoke regarding creating an Equity Committee and the details of what that would like. 


Trustee Wheeler:

1. Attended a Commonwealth Club forum featuring the Dr. Michael Drake, new president of the University of California.

2. Attended the ACSA Legislative Brunch featuring election insight and analysis by Kevin Gordon of Capitol Advisors Group and another one featuring their federal education expert, Reg Leichty.

3. Attended the November meeting of PTA Council.

4. Attended the early November informal meeting of the Santa Clara County School Boards Association as well as the October fall “dinner” which featured speaker Tia Martinez on how to break the “Schools to Prison Timeline.” We also had musical entertainment by the MVHS Madrigals (each in their own Zoom square), we welcomed new superintendents in Santa Clara County, and bid fond farewell to retiring school board members (including our own Jose Gutierrez, Jr. and Tamara Wilson).

5. Attended MVWSD’s forum on “The Talk.”

6. Attended part of the Leadership Mountain View forum on “Educational Impacts from Covid” featuring LMV alums Trustee Devon Conley and Superintendent Rudolph.

7. Attended the October PTA meeting of Bubb Elementary School.

8. Attended a forum hosted by Assembly member Marc Berman as part of his work as chair of the Assembly Committee on the Master Plan for Public Education. This forum focused on “The Student Transfer Experience from Community College to Four Year College” and included student panelists sharing their experiences..

9. Attended the Oct. 23 Check in with the Superintendent.

All meetings were via Zoom unless otherwise indicated.


Trustee Gutiérrez thanked everyone on DELAC and wished everyone well.

  • Informational presentation by Chief Bosel regarding our working relationship with the police department. 


A.Future Board Meeting Dates

November 19, 2020

December 10, 2020

January 7, 2021

January 21, 2021


The meeting was adjourned at 11:23 p.m.






The open session will be video recorded and live streamed on the District's website (




As a courtesy to others, please turn off your cell phone upon entering. 




Persons attending Board meetings are requested to refrain from using perfumes, colognes or any other products that might produce a scent or chemical emission. 




The Mountain View Whisman School District is dedicated to providing access and communication for all those who desire to attend Board meetings. Anyone planning to attend a Board meeting who requires special assistance or English translation or interpretation is asked to call the Superintendent's Office at (650) 526-3552 at least 48 hours in advance of the time and date of the meeting.


El Distrito Escolar de Mountain View Whisman esta dedicado a proveer acceso y comunicacion a todas las personas que deseen asistir a las reuniones de la Junta. Se pide que aquellas personas que planean asistir a esta reunion y requieren de asistencia especial llamen a la Oficina del Superintendente al (650) 526-3552 con por lo menos 48 horas de anticipacion del horario y fecha de esta reunion, para asi poder coordinar los arreglos especiales.


Documents provided to a majority of the Governing Board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the District Office, located at 1400 Montecito Avenue during normal business hours. 

Los documentos que se les proveen a la mayoria de los miembros de la Mesa Directiva sobre los temas en la sesion abierta de este orden del dia estaran disponibles para la inspeccion publica en la Oficina del Distrito, localizada en el 1400 Montecito Avenue durante las horas de oficinas regulares.