Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 6/14/2018

Agenda Category:  REVIEW AND ACTION

Agenda Item Title:  Exemptions for Boundaries (60 minutes)

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible:  Dr. Ayindé Rudolph, Superintendent

The Board discussed potential exemptions for boundaries at their meeting on May 31, 2018.  At that time some additional data was requested.  Staff will present additional information and provide a recommendation regarding potential exemption(s).

Fiscal Implication:
To be determined

Recommended Action: 
That the Board enforces the 2019-20 boundaries for all students and include exemption #1 for the 2019-20 school year. 

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
2019-20 Boundaries and Potential Exemption(s)Backup Material6/8/2018
K-5 Reset TotalsBackup Material6/8/2018