The Consolidated Application spring release serves as the District’s formal request to the California Department of Education for state and federal categorical funding for the 2018-2019 school year. Categorical funds are restricted funds and may only be spent on items specified in categorical regulations.
Fiscal Implication:
District entitlements for the 2018-2019 school year are unknown at this time. The district anticipates added monies available for Title IV Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) (amount unknown--newly available as of 2018), decreased monies for Title II, and a possible slight increase in Title I funding. Final entitlements will be available in the fall of 2018.
2017-2018 Entitlements are listed below:
Title I Part A (Basic Grant): $417, 213
Title II Part A (Supporting Effective Instruction): $95, 004
Title III Part A Immigrant: $30, 410
Title III Part A English Learner: $128, 740
Approximately $671,367 in revenue funding is anticipated based on the previous year's entitlements.
Recommended Action:
That the Board approve the application for funding, as presented.