Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 6/14/2018

Agenda Category:  CONSENT AGENDA

Agenda Item Title:  Approval of the Deferred Maintenance Plan 2018-2023

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible:  Robert Clark, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer


Deferred Maintenance is the scheduled replacement of the more structural elements of facilities. 


From the State’s template, there are twelve (12) areas for deferred (scheduled) maintenance: Asbestos, Classroom Lighting, Electrical, Floor Covering, HVAC, Lead, Painting, Paving, Plumbing, Roofing, Underground Tanks, and Wall Systems. 


A general guide of 3% of the General Fund expenditures  was budgeted for deferred maintenance projects (Fund 14).  However, many districts used that budget to pay for other operational costs forgoing scheduled maintenance projects.  Ongoing deferred (scheduled) maintenance extends the life of the facility.  SP2021 Goal 5, Outcome B-3 – Create a Deferred Maintenance Plan for mid-term goals.


With input from Maintenance staff and Greystone West, and using recent Facilities Inspection Tool (FIT) assessment from summer 2017, staff created the draft plan of projects, including a timeline and estimated costs for consideration.


Staff presented a draft 2018-2023 Plan to the Board at the May 31, 2018 board meeting for input and discussion.  Staff returns tonight for Board action.

Fiscal Implication:

2018-2019: Year 1 - $0

2019-2020: Year 2 - $1,200,000

2020-2021: Year 3 - $350,000

2021-2022: Year 4 - $2,300,000

2022-2023: Year 5 - $2,300,000


Recommended Action: 
That the Board of Trustees approve the Deferred Maintenance Plan 2018-2023 as presented.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Deferred Maintenance Plan 2018-2023Backup Material6/2/2018