Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 5/3/2018

Agenda Category:  REVIEW AND DISCUSSION - Seeking Input

Agenda Item Title:  Potential Grandfathering of Students After Boundary Changes in 2019-20 (60 minutes)

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible:  Dr. Ayindé Rudolph, Superintendent

School boundaries will change in 2019-20 when the new school on North Whisman Road opens.  There has been discussion about the possibility of "grandfathering" students, which would allow them to remain at the schools they currently attend.  The Board will have the opportunity to discuss ramifications of grandfathering students and provide direction regarding grandfathering. 

Fiscal Implication:

Recommended Action: 
No action required. 

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Grandfathering PresentationBackup Material4/27/2018
Students Transferring Due to Boundary ChangesBackup Material4/27/2018
Sibling Students TransferringBackup Material4/27/2018
Complete Reset Numbers K-3Backup Material4/27/2018
MVWSD 2019 Boundary Geographic Area ProjectionsBackup Material4/27/2018