Mountain View Whisman School District
Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 3/1/2018
Agenda Category: REVIEW AND ACTION
Agenda Item Title: Contract for Architectural Services for School Marquee Signs for All Schools and Sites (2 minutes)
Estimated Time:
Person Responsible: Robert Clark, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer
As part of the District's logo and branding identity efforts, each school will have a school sign that is consistent with all other District signs. The elementary schools signs will differ, as they will have a digital signboard included. The two middle schools both have digital signboards currently on site.
The school sign marquee will consist of a base, school name, District logo and a four-line digital signboard. The two middle schools will be the same design without the digital signboard.
Fiscal Implication: The proposal for architectural services is $33,435.
Recommended Action: That the Board of Trustees award the architectural services contract for the school sign and marquee project to Dreiling Terrones Architecture.