Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 1/23/2025


Agenda Item Title:  (Action) Document for Staff Housing – Ground Lease

Estimated Time:  (Action) Document for Staff Housing – Ground Lease

Person Responsible:  Rebecca Westover, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer


As part of this action, the Board will review and consider whether to approve the attached Ground Lease with Mountain View Owner, LLC (“MVO”), who owns the real property commonly referred to as 699 N. Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, California 94043, described as one parcel of land totaling approximately 1.8 acres with assessor parcel number (“APN”) 153- 24-027, as identified in Exhibit A-1 attached to the Ground Lease (“Lot B”). Lot B is the parcel upon which the District constructed its employee housing building with 144 residential units (“EH Building”).


At its August 17, 2023, Board meeting, the Board conditionally approved the form of Ground Lease at that time, with conditions related to insurance costs and requirements. Since that time, MVO and the District have made changes to those insurance provisions, reflected in the form attached to this agenda item.


The District and MVO expect the City of Mountain View (“City”) to issue a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy on or about February 6, 2025, after which time the District can begin leasing units to its employees. MVO and the District now need to enter into a Ground Lease for Lot B upon which the EH Building is located.

Fiscal Implication:
Annual lease payments beginning at $1.9 million per year, which will be offset by anticipated rental income from the building tenants’ rent paid to the District.

Recommended Action: 
It is recommended that the Board approve the attached Ground Lease
subject to minor revisions approved by staff and legal counsel that do not alter or reduce the intent of the Ground Lease.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
MVWSD-MVO-Ground Lease-23 January 2025Backup Material1/21/2025