Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 5/30/2024


Agenda Item Title:  ReImagining Castro Plan of Action (40 minutes)

Estimated Time:  40 minutes

Person Responsible: 

Dr. Ayindé Rudolph, Superintendent

Megan Pohlman, Director of Equity

This presentation and report is a follow-up to the previous presentation made on May 2, 2024 that introduced activities for Year 1 of the action plan along with rationales and evaluation plans for each strategic action. This report presentation is intended to be the final installment of year-long updates and offerings from the Re-Imagining Castro EdRoundtable group, charged with the creation of an action plan that addresses the Board’s vision for Mariano Castro Elementary School. The next report issued in this capacity will be next school year and will be to reflect on and evaluate actions taken as a result of this plan.

Fiscal Implication:
Approximately $210,000.00 annually for (at least) the next 3 years

Recommended Action: 
It is requested that the Board provide feedback on the plan and provision of funds detailed in this item.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Re-Imagining Castro Action Plan Board ReportBackup Material5/23/2024
Re-Imagining Castro Slide DeckBackup Material5/23/2024