Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 5/16/2024


Agenda Item Title:  PK/TK and K-5 English Language Arts Curriculum Adoption Recommendations (30 minutes)

Estimated Time:  30 minutes

Person Responsible: 

Swati Dagar - Director- Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment 


Cyndee Nguyen - Director of Early Literacy 


Acantha Ellard - Coordinator - Ed Services 

After a full year of going through a rigorous curriculum adoption process and piloting curricula, staff is presenting the Curriculum Adoption Committee recommendations to the Board of Trustees to adopt English Language Arts curricula for grades PK/TK and for grades K-5. 

Fiscal Implication:

Approximate PK/TK Saavas Three Cheers Curriculum Cost: $100,000


Approximate K-5 Amplify CKLA Curriculum Cost: $2,200,000 

Recommended Action: 

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
PK/TK and K-5 ELA Curriculum Adoption Board UpdatePresentation5/4/2024
PK/TK and K-5 ELA Curriculum Adoption Board Report Backup Material5/4/2024