Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 5/16/2024


Agenda Item Title:  Measure T Construction Priority 2 Project List (40 minutes)

Estimated Time:  40 minutes

Person Responsible: 

Rebecca Westover, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer


Prior to voters passing Measure T, the board approved the Master Facility Plan (MFP) to set priorities and layout a project list if the measure passed.  Due to advanced planning, the District was able to save tax payers a significant amount of money due to avoiding escalation costs.  

All applicable priority 1 items in the Master Facility Plan have been substantially completed and district staff is requesting board guidance on phase 2 projects.  These projects include items identified in the MFP as well as items that have emerged since the creation of the MFP. 

Fiscal Implication:

$31,845,344 of Measure T funds.

Recommended Action: 
None requested.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Measure T Construction Priority 2 Project List PresentationBackup Material5/9/2024
Measure T Construction Priority 2 Project List SummaryBackup Material5/9/2024