Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 4/18/2024

Agenda Category:  CONSENT AGENDA

Agenda Item Title:  Change Order No. 2: District Wide Security Systems Upgrades (Access Control) Project

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible: 

Rebecca Westover, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer


During the MVWSD Access Control Project, unforeseen conditions and design revisions have occurred, resulting in revisions to the scope of the original project. These additions/changes require contingency money to be used. A construction contingency of $498,559.99 has been budgeted for this project. 

Change Order No. 2 for $69,595.81 will increase the Paladin Technologies contract amount to $5,084,208.65.

Fiscal Implication:

The monies required for Change Order #2 will not exceed $69,595.81. After Change Order No. 2, the balance remaining in the construction contingency will be $399,940.34.

Recommended Action: 

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Change Order No. 2 for the MVWSD Access Control Project, as presented.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Change Order No. 2: District Wide Security Systems Upgrades (Access Control) ProjectBackup Material3/29/2024