Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 10/19/2023

Agenda Category:  CONSENT AGENDA

Agenda Item Title:  Change Order No. 2 for the District Wide Window Replacement Project

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible: 

Rebecca Westover, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer


At the meeting of the Board of Trustees on February 9, 2023, the Board approved the design services contract for Dreiling Terrones Architecture (DTA) for the exterior painting of the middle school campuses at Graham and Crittenden middle schools. That design was then issued to the contractor performing the Window Replacement Project at both sites, EF Brett, for pricing as there is overlapping scope of work between the current window replacement project which required touch up painting around the new windows and the new scope of work to paint the exterior of the buildings. The cost to paint the Crittenden MS campus exterior is included in Change Order No. 2 and work will be completed over summer of 2024. Change Order No. 2 for $370,351.00 will increase E.F. Brett's contract amount to $17,611,134.00.

Fiscal Implication:

The monies required for Change Order No. 2 will not exceed $370,351.00.

Recommended Action: 

It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Change Order No. 2 for the District Wide Window Replacement Project.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Change Order No. 2- District Wide Window Replacement ProjectBackup Material10/12/2023