The District Office Alterations Project includes reconfiguration of the existing District Office Building to provide additional workstations and offices for staff as well as reconfiguration and replacement of existing finishes at the portable buildings at the District Office to accommodate support staff.
The need for additional space is mostly due to the addition of the early literacy program which includes teachers on special assignment as well as a director.
The project requires the services of an architectural design firm to assist in design and construction documents, Division of the State Architect (DSA) approval, construction administration and closeout for the project. District staff is recommending that the Board approve DTA as the architectural design firm for the project.
Fiscal Implication:
DTA proposed a fee for the required services in the amount of $76,950. At this time, the estimated project cost is $1,758,089. The proposed fee is within the established project budget for design fees.
Recommended Action:
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve DTA as the architectural design firm and award an agreement in the amount of $76,950 to DTA for the District Office Alterations Project.