Mountain View Whisman School District
Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 11/3/2022
Agenda Category: CONSENT AGENDA
Agenda Item Title: HVAC Modernization and Replacement Phase 2 Equipment Purchase- Norman S Wright Mechanical Equipment Corporation, Change Order No.1
Estimated Time:
Person Responsible: Rebecca Westover, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer
During the HVAC Modernization and Replacement Phase 2 Equipment Purchase, sales tax charges on equipment were required. These additions/changes require contingency money to be used. The total construction contingency of $230,888 was budgeted for this project. Change Order No. 1 for $161,782 will increase the contract amount.
Fiscal Implication:
The contingency monies required for Change Order No. 1 will not exceed $161,782. A summary of Change Order No. 1 is attached. There is $69,106 remaining in the Change Order Contingency for this project.
Recommended Action:
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Change Order No. 1 for the HVAC Modernization and Replacement Phase 2 Equipment Purchase.