Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 10/20/2022


Agenda Item Title:  Significant Disproportionality and CCEIS (45 minutes)

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible:  Megan Henderson, Director of Equity

This year marks the 3rd consecutive year our district has been found in Significant Disproportionality through CDE. Though a majority of our surrounding districts are also struggling with the same concern, MVWSD presents the infrastructure of the plan in order to address this issue and improve student outcomes.

Fiscal Implication:
None at this time

Recommended Action: 
None at this time

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
CCEIS and Significant Disproportionality Update Slide DeckBackup Material10/12/2022
Proposed CCEIS Root Causes 2022Backup Material10/12/2022
CCEIS Root Causes 2021Backup Material10/11/2022
CCEIS Root Causes 2020Backup Material10/11/2022