Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 1/6/2022


Agenda Item Title:  2020-21 Preschool Program Self Evaluation (30 min)

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible: 

Terri Kemper

Preschool Director


Staff will present an overview of the 2020-21 Preschool Self Evaluation.


Contracted California State Preschool Program (CSPP) providers are required to submit an annual Program Self-Evaluation (PSE).  The PSE is the culmination of an ongoing process throughout the school year for providers to assess program quality and to create and monitor goals.  The PSE helps a provider to determine if program standards have been met, address any areas of non-compliance with action plans, and highlight program strengths.  The annual PSE is due June 1st of each year. 


While no action is needed, it is recommended that the Board of Trustees review the 2020-21 State Preschool Program Self-Evaluation and provide comments.


The following documents are also included to provide additional information:


2020-21 Preschool Program Self Evaluation Survey

2020-21 Preschool Parent Survey Summary of Findings

2020-21 Preschool Program Review Instrument Summary of Findings

2020-21 Preschool Environment Survey

2020-21 Preschool DRDP Summary of Findings

Fiscal Implication:

Recommended Action: 

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
2020-21 Preschool Program Self Evaluation SurveyBackup Material12/13/2021
2020-21 Preschool Parent Survey Summary of FindingsBackup Material12/13/2021
2020-21 Preschool Program Review Instrument Summary of FindingsBackup Material12/13/2021
2020-21 Preschool Environment SurveyBackup Material12/13/2021
2020-21 Preschool DRDP Summary of FindingsBackup Material12/13/2021
2020-21 Preschool Self Evaluation PresentationPresentation12/13/2021