Mountain View Whisman School District
Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 12/9/2021
Agenda Category: CONSENT AGENDA
Agenda Item Title: Approval of Schematic Design, Budget and Schedule for the Storage Building Project at Stevenson and Vargas Elementary Schools
Estimated Time:
Person Responsible: Rebecca Westover, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer
The District has developed schematic designs for the Storage Building Project at Stevenson and Vargas Elementary Schools. The project includes installation of a 1080 square foot storage building at Stevenson Elementary School and a 864 square foot storage building at Vargas Elementary School. The buildings would be prefabricated storage buildings with a stucco finish painted to match adjacent buildings.
Construction is scheduled for June 2022 to August 2022. The anticipated total project cost is $572,045.
Funding for the project is from the Measure T Bond Program.
Fiscal Implication:
Measure T Bond Program - $572,045.
Recommended Action:
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the schematic design, budget and schedule presented for the Storage Building Project at Stevenson and Vargas Elementary Schools.