Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 12/9/2021

Agenda Category:  REVIEW AND ACTION

Agenda Item Title:  Single Plans for Student Achievement (30 minutes)

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible: 

Cathy Baur

Chief Academic Officer


Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) are being presented for approval. Plans were posted to the District website on Friday, November 22nd for review by the Board of Trustees and the public. Site principals have been meeting with members of the Board of Trustees to learn more about each site’s plan.  Principals from each site will be available at the meeting for additional questions from Trustees.


The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a document that represents a school’s cycle of continuous improvement of student performance.   The SPSA is grounded in data and identifies research-based instructional strategies to be implemented with the goal of improving outcomes for all student students. A well-developed SPSA can ensure that students are better equipped to meet the California State Standards in English Language Arts and mathematics. Each plan is aligned to MVWSD’s Strategic Plan 2027 and Local Control Accountability Plan.


The development process is the result of a collaborative effort between the school staff and members of the School Site Council (SSC) with input from the school community and site advisory groups including the English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC).  Each year, the School Site Council and the local Governing Board approve the site plan. While the starting date of the annual planning cycle is a local decision, every school needs to have an approved plan guiding the work of the school.  Once the plan is approved and implemented, each SSC in collaboration with site staff and advisory groups are responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of planned activities and modifying those that prove ineffective.

Fiscal Implication:

$1,175,066  including funding from state and local sources.

Recommended Action: 

That the Board approves the Single Plans for Student Achievement for

Bubb Elementary School, Castro Elementary School, Crittenden Middle School, Graham Middle School, Landels Elementary School, Huff Elementary School, Mistral Elementary School, Monta Loma Elementary School, Stevenson Elementary School, Theuerkauf Elementary School, and Vargas Elementary School.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Bubb Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021
Castro Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021
Crittenden Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021
Graham Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021
Imai Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021
Landels Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021
Mistral Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021
Monta Loma Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021
Stevenson Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021
Theuerkauf Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021
Vargas Site PlanBackup Material11/30/2021