Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 12/9/2021

Agenda Category:  CONSENT AGENDA

Agenda Item Title:  Educator Effectiveness Block Grant

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible: 

Cathy Baur

Chief Academic Officer


Staff is presenting the plan for the funding allocated to the District from the Educator Effectiveness Block Grant for approval.  The plan was presented to the Board of Trustees for discussion at the November 18th meeting.   The presentation is included here for reference.


The Educator Effectiveness Block Grant is one-time funding given to Districts to provide professional learning for teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and classified staff. 


The grant is a product of Assembly Bill (AB) 130 and was further amended as a part of AB 167 which was signed into law at the end of September 2021.


 Allocations based on the number of certificated and classified FTEs in 2021/22.


Fiscal Implication:
One time funding of $1,278,641.00

Recommended Action: 
That the Board approves the plan for the Educator Effectiveness Block Grant as presented.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Educator Effectiveness Block Grant PresentationCover Memo11/19/2021
Educator Effectiveness Block Grant PlanCover Memo11/19/2021