Mountain View Whisman School District
Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 11/4/2021
Agenda Category: REVIEW AND ACTION
Agenda Item Title: Resolution No. 01-110421 - Declaring the Mountain View Whisman School District a Defender for Reproductive Health Care Access & Freedom (10 minutes)
Estimated Time:
Person Responsible: Dr. Ayindé Rudolph, Superintendent
Background: The Mountain View Whisman School District is committed to affirming that every person has the right to comprehensive, evidence-based information about the full range of reproductive health care options and should have access to comprehensive reproductive health care throughout their lives, regardless of income, race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender, ability, immigration status, geographic circumstance, criminal history, and insurance-coverage status.
Fiscal Implication: None.
Recommended Action: It is recommended the Board of Trustees adopt Resolution No. 01-110421 Declaring the Mountain View Whisman School District a Defender for Reproductive Health Care Access & Freedom.