Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 8/12/2021

Agenda Category:  REVIEW AND ACTION

Agenda Item Title:  Revisions to the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) (30 minutes)

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible: 

Cathy Baur

Chief Academic Officer


Staff will present a revised version of the District's Local Control Accountability Plan for approval, specifically added descriptions and data to the six goals in the Increased or Improved Services section of the LCAP.


An administrative decision released on June 18, 2021 (one day after the MVWSD LCAP was approved) regarding Uniform Complaints issued by the California Department of Education has provided additional guidance to County Offices of Education on how they review and approve Local Control Accountability Plans.


After review of the District's approved LCAP with the new guidance in mind, the Santa Clara County Office of Education is asking the District to provide additional information to address the required descriptions for goals marked contributing to Increased or Improved Services for unduplicated pupils that are being implemented District wide.  


Descriptions and data have been added to address the following:


Goal 1 Action 1: Please specify the need being addressed and how the expectation of effectiveness was determined to continue this action into the 2021-2022 LCAP.

Goal 1 Action 5:  Please specify how the expectation of effectiveness was determined to continue this action into the 2021-2022 LCAP.

Goal 1 Action 8:  Please specify the need being addressed and how the expectation of effectiveness was determined to continue this action into the 2021-2022 LCAP.

Goal 1 Action 9: Please specify how the expectation of effectiveness was determined.

Goal 1 Action 20: Please provide examples of the programs that will be provided to underrepresented students and specify how the expectation of effectiveness was determined. 

Goal 3 Action 1: Please specify how the School and Community Engagement Facilitators will principally support EL, FY, and Low Income students. Please specify how the expectation of effectiveness was determined. 


Fiscal Implication:

$8,108,404 through a combination of federal, state and local sources.

Recommended Action: 
That the board approves the Local Control Accountability Plan with the additional descriptions and data to the actions in the Increased and Improved Services section as presented.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Revised Local Control Accountability PlanBackup Material8/5/2021
Letter from the Santa Clara County Office of EducationBackup Material8/5/2021
LCAP PresentationBackup Material8/5/2021