Mountain View Whisman School District
Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 6/17/2021
Agenda Category: CONSENT AGENDA
Agenda Item Title: Adoption of Resolution for Authorization of Contract with Enviroplex, Inc. for Modular Classroom Building Purchase and Installation Pursuant to PCC Section 20118 (Piggyback Statute)
Estimated Time:
Person Responsible: Rebecca Westover, Ed. D., Chief Business Officer
The Board desires to purchase and install a modular classroom building and associated equipment for use by the District at Huff Elementary School.
On January 11, 2021, the Merced River School District (“MRSD”) awarded a contract to Enviroplex, Inc. The contract is valid through January 11, 2024. Enviroplex submitted a proposal consistent with the terms of the MRSD Piggyback and the District has determined that it would be in the District’s best interest to piggyback off the MRSD Piggyback Contract.
Fiscal Implication:
The total contract amount for purchase and installation of the modular classroom building will be $256,122.89 with all costs to be charged to the Measure T bond program.
Recommended Action:
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees award the contract for the Huff ES Modular Classroom Building Project to Enviroplex Inc. in the amount of $256,122.89 and authorize staff to issue a purchase order for the work.