Mountain View Whisman School District
Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 5/6/2021
Agenda Category: CONSENT AGENDA
Agenda Item Title: Award of Contract to Foothill Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. for the HVAC Modernization & Replacement Project
Estimated Time:
Person Responsible: Rebecca Westover, Ed. D., Chief Business Officer
The Board will consider for award a contract for the HVAC Modernization & Replacement Project.
On April 20, 2021, the District received contractor proposals for HVAC Modernization & Replacement Project. Four (4) proposals were received, and the apparent low responsive and responsible bidder is Foothill Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. The District’s Measure T Bond Program manager, Greystone West, has reviewed the proposal for conformance with District and statutory requirements.
Fiscal Implication:
The total contract amount will be $4,973,700 (Base bid $4,947,700 + Allowance for unforeseen dry rot repairs $30,000) with all costs to be charged to the Measure T bond program.
Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees award the contract for the HVAC Modernization & Replacement Project to Foothill Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. in the amount of $4,973,700 and authorize staff to issue a purchase order for the work.