Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 2/4/2021

Agenda Category:  Negotiations

Agenda Item Title:  Conference with REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Pursuant To Government Code section 54956.8):

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible: 


Property: 525 Hans Ave. (Bubb ES); 1701 Rock St. (Crittenden MS); 115 West Dana St. (Landels ES); 253 Martens Ave. (Huff ES); 1175 Castro St. (Graham MS); 505 Escuela Ave. (Castro/Mistal ES); 460 Thompson Ave. (Monta Loma ES); 750 San Pierre Way (Stevenson ES); 1625 San Luis Ave. (Theuerkauf ES); 220 N. Whisman Rd. (Vargas ES); 333 Eunice Ave. (Cooper site); 220 North Whisman Rd. (former Slater site); 310 Easy St. (former Whisman site)

Agency negotiator: Ayindé Rudolph, Superintendent; Rebecca Westover, CBO

Negotiating parties: City of Mountain View

Under negotiation: Price and terms of Master Joint Use Agreement

Fiscal Implication:

Recommended Action: