Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 2/4/2021

Agenda Category:  REVIEW AND ACTION

Agenda Item Title:  Adoption of Resolution No. 01-020421 for Determination that the Solar Projects at Public School Campuses and District Administration are Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, Approving the Projects, and Directing the Filing of a Notice of Exemption (15 minutes)

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible:  Rebecca Westover Ed.D., Chief Business Officer


The District has developed ten (10) separate solar array projects, each one consisting of the construction and installation of solar/photovoltaic carports or shade structures and associated equipment at ten (10) separate existing District school campuses and administration sites (“Projects”) to provide supplemental green energy in the form of electricity from solar energy at the sites listed below.



School Site Name



Benjamin Bubb ES

525 Hans Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040


Crittenden MS

1701 Rock St., Mountain View, CA 94043


Edith Landels ES

115 West Dana St., Mountain View, CA 94041


Frank L Huff ES

253 Martens Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040


Graham MS

1175 Castro St., Mountain View, CA 94040


Gabriela Mistral-Mariano Castro ES

505 Escuela Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040


Monta Loma ES

460 Thompson Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043


Stevenson ES – District Office

750 San Pierre Way, Mountain View, CA 94043


Theuerkauf ES

1625 San Luis Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043


Vargas ES

220 N. Whisman Road, Mountain View, CA 94043


The Projects consist of the construction and installation of underlit solar carports, shade structures or rooftop structures on either the existing parking lots, playfield, hardscape or rooftop areas of the existing District sites.  The maximum height of the carports and shade structures is 13.5 feet, with an approximately 7% -10% tilt.  The Projects will also include removal of non-native, ornamental trees from either the playfield or hardscape areas.  Certain campuses will include an electric vehicle (“EV”) charging station ground mounted to existing hardscape.  The Resolution includes site-specific and summary information that describes the scope of work that will be performed at each site.


Before the District may determine to carry out the Projects, it must complete environmental review under CEQA, which exempts certain defined projects from completing a negative declaration or environmental impact report.  District staff have determined that the Projects meet the definitions of the Class 3, Class 11, and Class 14 Categorical Exemptions. 




The Class 3 Categorical Exemption, set forth in CEQA Guidelines section 15303, exempts a project that consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures and installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures.  The Class 11 Categorical Exemption, set forth in CEQA Guidelines section 15311, exempts a project that consists of construction or placement of minor structures accessory to existing institutional facilities.  Here, the Projects consist of the construction and installation of solar energy systems and EV charging stations that comprise a limited number of new relatively small structures and accessory structures (i.e., solar carports, solar shade structures, EV charging stations) on existing public District administrative and school campuses, which are institutional and in an urban, built-up environment.


The Class 14 Categorical Exemption (CEQA Guidelines, § 15314) applies to minor additions to existing schools that do not increase student capacity by more the 25% or 10 classrooms, whichever is less.  With the exception of the District administration site at Stevenson Elementary School, the solar/photovoltaic systems would be minor additions to existing schools that do not increase any school’s student capacity.  Thus, with the exception of the District administration site at Stevenson Elementary School the Project sites would be also categorically exempt under Class 14.


Once a project is determined to be exempt, it is no longer subject to either the procedural or substantive requirements of CEQA.  Thus, CEQA review would be complete should the Board determine that the Projects are exempt and to carry out the Projects.


There are no known unusual circumstances that would otherwise except the Projects from these categorical exemptions.  Accordingly, it is proper to determine the Projects categorically exempt under CEQA.


Should the Board adopt the Resolution, District staff will file a Notice of Exemption with the Santa Clara County Clerk and the State Clearinghouse.

Fiscal Implication:


Recommended Action: 

That the Board adopt Resolution No. 01-020421 Determining that the Solar Projects at School Campuses and District Administration are Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, Approving the Project, and Directing the Filing of the Notice of Exemption

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
MVWSD Resolution No. 01-020421 - CEQA-Solar with Exhibits-February 2021 Backup Material1/27/2021
Solar Notice of Exemption Backup Material1/27/2021
Attachment 1 Backup Material1/27/2021