Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 2/4/2021

Agenda Category:  REVIEW AND ACTION

Agenda Item Title:  Schematic Design Drawings, Budget, and Schedule for the HVAC at Various Sites Project (25 minutes)

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible:  Rebecca Westover Ed.D., Chief Business Officer


The District has developed schematic designs for the HVAC at Various Sites Project.

The project includes renovation and replacement of HVAC units at 6 elementary school and 2 middle school sites.  The project will consist of 2 phases.

Phase 1 will include all sites which are exempt from DSA review as the work consists or replacement of mechanical units in kind, which per the DSA IR (Interpretive Regulation) 22 are exempt from DSA review.  Sites included in phase 1 are Bubb Elementary School, Huff Elementary School, Landels Elementary School, Mistral Elementary School and Graham Middle School.  Phase 1 construction is scheduled for June to August 2021.

Phase 2 includes sites that require full DSA review due to placement of larger equipment and/or new roof mounted equipment.  Sites included with Phase 2 are Crittenden Middle School, Monta Loma Elementary School and Theuerkauf Elementary School.  Phase 2 construction is scheduled for June to August of 2022.

The anticipated project cost is $16,711,176. Funding for the HVAC at Various Sites Project is from the Measure T Bond Program.


Fiscal Implication:

Measure T Bond Program - $16,711,176.

If additional filtration is requested the funds will come from the unallocated funds in Measure T.

Recommended Action: 
It is recommended the Board of Trustees approve the schematic design, budget and schedule presented for HVAC at Various Sites Project and select an option for filtration.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
MVWSD HVAC Modernization and Replacement - Schematic Design Schedule - 1.26.21Backup Material1/27/2021
MVWSD HVAC Project - Schematic Design Estimate - 1.26.21Backup Material1/27/2021
MVWSD HVAC Schematic Design Plans - 1.26.21Backup Material1/27/2021
Filtration Options Summary Backup Material1/28/2021
H&M Filtration Summary Backup Material1/28/2021
Presentation HVAC Backup Material1/28/2021