Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 2/4/2021

Agenda Category:  REVIEW AND ACTION

Agenda Item Title:  Schematic Design Drawings, Budget, and Schedule for the Crittenden and Vargas Marquee Signs Project (10 minutes)

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible:  Rebecca Westover Ed.D., Chief Business Officer


The District has developed schematic designs for the Crittenden and Vargas Marquee Signs Project.

The target for construction is the summer of 2021. Overall construction is anticipated to take two months from May through July 2021.

The anticipated project cost is $231,336.00. Funding for the Crittenden and Vargas Marquee Signs Project is from the Measure T Bond Program.


Fiscal Implication:

Measure T Bond Program - $231,336.00.

Recommended Action: 
It is recommended the Board of Trustees approve the schematic design, budget and schedule presented for Crittenden and Vargas Marquee Signs Project.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Crittenden MS and Vargas ES Marquee Project - SD Schedule - 1.26.21 (1)Backup Material1/27/2021
CMS and VES Marquee Sign SD Estimate - 1.15.21Backup Material1/27/2021
CMS and VES Marquee Sign - Schematic Design Plans - 1.27.21Backup Material1/27/2021
Presentation Vargas and CR MarqueeBackup Material1/28/2021