Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 11/5/2020

Agenda Category:  REVIEW AND ACTION

Agenda Item Title:  Resolution No. 01-110520 Local Assignment Option (5 minutes)

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible:  Tara Vikjord, Interim Chief Human Relations Officer

In order to provide speech services to our special education students, we often need to hire contractors.  The Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires us to verify that they have a license and that our Board of Trustees authorizes their service under a Local Assignment Option per Education Code 44263.  We have verified their license and ask the Board to approve this resolution authorizing their service.

Fiscal Implication:

Recommended Action: 
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees adopt Resolution No. 01-110520 as presented.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Resolution 01-110520 Local Assignment OptionBackup Material10/29/2020