Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 11/5/2020

Agenda Category:  CONSENT AGENDA

Agenda Item Title:  Award of Architectural Services Contract to Dreilling Terrones Architecture for the Vargas Elementary School Parking Cover Project

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible: 

Rebecca Westover Ed.D.

Chief Business Officer


The Vargas Elementary School Parking Cover project involves the installation of a carport structure in the Vargas Elementary School parking lot.  The project requires the services of an architectural design firm to assist in design, and construction documents, DSA submittal, construction administration and closeout.  The District issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for these services on September 18, 2020 to the currently approved pool of Architects for the District for the Measure T Bond.  A total of two proposals were received.

Fiscal Implication:

Dreilling Terrones Architecture has presented a service fee proposal for the required services in the amount of $50,330.   At this time, the estimated construction cost is $400,000. This proposal is within the established project budget for design fees.

Recommended Action: 
It is recommended the Board of Trustees approve the service fee proposal and award of an agreement for Dreilling Terrones Architecture in the amount of $50,330.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
DTA - Vargas Parking Cover ProposalBackup Material10/29/2020
DTA Architect Agreement - Vargas Carport Backup Material10/29/2020