Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 10/22/2020

Agenda Category:  REVIEW AND ACTION

Agenda Item Title:  Initial Proposals and Public Hearing for Mountain View Whisman School District and the California School Employees Association 812 (CSEA) for 2020-2021 School Year (5 minutes)

Estimated Time:  5 minutes

Person Responsible:  Tara Vikjord, Interim Chief Human Relations Officer


In accordance with Board Policy No. 4143.1 and Government Code 3547, all initial contract proposals of the Board and an employee organization that relate to matters within the scope of representation shall be presented at a public meeting and shall thereafter be public records.  Staff will present the District's 2020-2021 Initial Proposal for Reopening of the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the California School Employees Association, Chapter 812.  CSEA will also present its initial proposal for reopeners for the 2020-2021 school year.


Meeting and negotiating between district and employee organization representatives shall not take place on the initial proposals until a reasonable time has elapsed after the submission of these proposals to enable the public to become informed and to express itself regarding the proposals at a public meeting.


The Board will hold a public hearing regarding the District's initial proposal and CSEA's initial proposal for reopening their collective bargaining agreement for the 2020-2021 school year.

Fiscal Implication:
None at this time. 

Recommended Action: 
That the Board of Trustees approve the District's 2020-2021 Initial Proposal for Reopening of the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the California School Employees Association, Chapter 812 as presented.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Initial Proposal MVWSD to CSEA, 2020-21 ReopenersBackup Material10/16/2020
CSEA Initial Proposal to MVWSD October 2020Backup Material10/16/2020