Mountain View Whisman School District
Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 8/20/2020
Agenda Category: REVIEW AND ACTION (10 minutes)
Agenda Item Title: Pool of Architects to Propose on District’s Construction Projects (10 minutes)
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Person Responsible: Rebecca Westover, Ed.D
Chief Business Officer
The purpose of this agenda item is to approve a board approved pool of architecture firms that responded to the District’s June 1, 2020, request for statement of qualifications (“RFQ”) for design work for construction, maintenance, repair or related projects as needed and the District’s Measure T Bond Program (“Project(s)”). The District is complying with the procurement process required by Government Code section 4525, et seq. Eleven (11) architecture firms responded to the RFQ. The District used the following scoring matrix to evaluate each firm’s response to the RFQ.
Max. Score
Past experience
Performance information, including claims
Team experience; resumes of proposed personnel
Technical expertise
Proximity of offices
Approach to the Services
Proposed revisions to the Agreement
Other relevant criteria, including conflicts
Of the six (6) firms that scored the highest, the District interviewed two (2) of those firms. After those steps, District staff is recommending that the Board approve the six highest scoring firms identified below to be in the District’s pool of architecture firms for the Projects.
1. Artik Art & Architecture
2. Dreiling Terrones Architecture, Inc.
3. Hamilton + Aitken Architects
4. Hibser Yamauchi Architects, Inc.
5. JK Architecture Engineering
6. Lionakis
Once the Board approves this pool of architecture firms, the District will solicit proposals from that pool as each Project is ready for design services and will enter into agreement(s) with the successful firm(s) in the form of Agreement attached to this Board item, which will be brought to the Board for approval.
Fiscal Implication: None
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Trustees approve the above list of architecture firms to be in the District’s pool of architecture firms for the Projects, based on District’s procurement and selection process identified here.