Item Coversheet

Mountain View Whisman School District

Agenda Item for Board Meeting of 4/18/2020

Agenda Category:  Personnel Report

Agenda Item Title:  Personnel Report to the Board of Trustees

Estimated Time: 

Person Responsible: 

Carmen Ghysels, Chief Human Relations Officer


The revised personnel report to the Board for the meeting on April 2, 2020 had an error.  Colleen Walsh was listed as moving from Interim Assistant Principal to Assistant Principal at Crittenden Middle School, effective July 1, 2020.   The corrected report now reads Substitute Assistant Principal to Assistant Principal at Crittenden Middle School, effective July 1, 2020.  This change reflects the correct current title.


In addition, the revised personnel report included assignments for several administrator positions that were not included on the earlier personnel report, which was attached to the posted April 2 agenda.  In the interests of transparency and notice to the community, it is recommended that the Board act to approve the revised personnel report.

Fiscal Implication:

Recommended Action: 
That the Board approve the corrected revised Personnel Report to the Board of Trustees dated April 2, 2020.

DescriptionTypeUpload Date
Revised Corrected April 2 Personnel ReportBackup Material4/9/2020